Friday, August 30, 2013


A new order is now available with lots of NEW items - you will find on this months Food Storage Order Form, #10 can items that are Gluten Free, Freeze Dried Yogurts, Gourmet Meals and Soups with real meat and several other misc. items.  These items are from the same company where I order the Country Cream Powdered Milk.  I am also making available the Country Cream powdered milk regular and chocolate; something new on the Country Cream powdered milk Order - you can order the Chocolate in a 25 lb. box, instead of just 50 lbs.   See attachments for order form, due date for these two orders is Monday, September 30th.    An ingredients list is available upon request for the Gluten Free items, just email me and I will send it to you.
The order for FREEZE DRIED - Whole Blueberries, Tomato Cubes, Sweet Corn, and Garden Peas  has been extended to Monday, September 9th. and should be here towards the end of September.  FYI - The next Freeze Dried order will not be until January. 
Currently - Freeze Dried Items - Tomatoes, Blueberries, Sweet Corn, and Peas
September - Gluten Free, variety of meals and soups, along with Country Cream Powdered Milk
October - Walton Order
November - Dehydrated Legumes, Popcorn, and Brown Rice
December - Christmas
January - Freeze dried Items - Chicken, Beef, Pineapple Dices 
A reminder for everyone who lives in Utah, please feel free to continue to order if you wish to do so, we will continue to try and accommodate everyone who lives between Ucon, Idaho and the route to West Jordan, Utah. Please feel free to continue to order if you wish to do so. Give me a call or send an email and I will work with you on the delivery's, like we have done in the past.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me by email or phone. 

Best Wishes,

Maria Jensen

Sunday, August 4, 2013


If you were unable to make our most recent additional Relief Society meeting, we learned a lot about alternative forms of cooking.  One of those demonstrations was on a Sun Oven.  The sister who did the demonstrations gave us this order form if we are interested in ordering one.  They are $260 plus shipping - a savings of $89 if you purchase somewhere else.  This is good until the end of August and an order of five or more needs to be made from the group to get the discounted price.  Her contact information is on the bottom of the picture.  

August Prepardeness Newsletter....


Blueberries, Tomatoes, Sweet Corn and Peas - dried food order...

If you would like to purchase any of these items, please click on the link for the order form!