Sunday, March 31, 2013


Preparedness Newsletters
Walton Feed Order 
I have attached two order forms for Walton's products, you will find that one is mainly for #10 can size and the other for the #2.5 can size items.  The order form is due Monday, April 22nd, if you are interested in anything from them please get your order into me as soon as possible.   There are some new items available from Walton Feed so open them up and check it out!   If you have any questions please feel free to call.
I am offering the StoveTec Stoves again, our Stake is having a Preparedness Fair and has asked if I will make them available.  This order will stay open until I have the required minimum to order a pallet.  We are half way there so if you are interested and weren't able to get in on the last order now is a good time.  Please see the attached order form for everything that is available to order from StoveTec and prices.  
Just a heads up on the StoveTec bags that were back ordered  for the StoveTec's, they are in and I will be calling those of you who ordered them and setting a time when you can pick yours up.
Powdered Milk Order
I hope to have it here next week and I will start calling you and scheduling a time for those of you who placed an order with me for the Country Cream Powdered Milk as soon as I have a definite delivery date.
Upcoming Orders
Freeze Dried Order - Corn, Peas and freeze dried fruit items to be announced soon
Dehydrated Tropical Fruit Blend - This is a yummy blend of tropical fruits already in #10 cans
Wheat Grinders - many of you have inquired about hand grinders and I will be sending out a survey for the two varieties that I have been looking at and see if there is still an interest in ordering them.  
If you have any questions please feel free to email or give me a call and I will do what I can to help you. 
Best Wishes, 
Maria Jensen