Monday, February 4, 2013

Preparedness Newsletters

Pandemics, Sanitation, and Personal Hygiene

What would you need if you couldn't leave the house because of a quarantine?


And more great information in the January Newsletter...


Baking Supplies, Herbs, Spices, Dried Fruits, and Sprouting Seeds

The Basics of Sprouting - 101

Saving Money With Bulk Herbs and Spices

For more, read the February Newsletter


Powdered Milk and Water Storage

If you are interested in ordering powdered milk or water barrels for storage... here is your chance.

Click on the links below for ordering information.



Winter Driving - Emergency Car Kit

Winter Driving - Emergency Car Kit

What to Pack...

·         Jumper cables to restart engine
·         Cat litter or sand for tire traction on snow and ice
·         Shovel to scrape snow away from tires
·         Ice scraper to clear windshield
·         Warm clothes gloves, a hat, sturdy boots, warm jacket and even a change of clothes
·         Blankets to keep warm inside the vehicle
·         Flashlights and extra batteries for increased visibility
·         First aid kit also pack necessary medications incase you are stuck on the road
·         Food pack items containing protein such as nuts and energy bars, also canned fruit and a portable can opener are good additions
·         Water bring enough for each person in your car and any pets
·         AM/FM radio to listen to traffic reports and emergency messages

Also consider...

·         Bring a cell phone if you have one with a list of emergency numbers.
·         Fill your gas tank
·         Baby formula and diapers if you have a small child.
·         If you find yourself stranded, be safe and stay in your car, put on your flashers, call for help and wait until it arrives.